The Ideal Made Real

Applied Metaphysics for Beginners

by Christian D Larson

The Ideal Made Real - Applied Metaphysics for Beginners was written by Christian D Larson in 1909, and still stands today as one of the most readable books on the Law of Attraction, and how anyone can manifest it in their lives.

According to Larson, the purpose of this work is to present practical methods through which anyone, the beginner in particular, may realize his ideals, cause his cherished dreams to come true, and cause the visions of the soul to become tangible realities in everyday life.

The Ideal Made Real

"In preparing the following pages, the object has been to take the beginner out of the limitations of the old into the boundlessness of the new; to emphasize the fact that the possibilities that are latent in the human mind are nothing less than marvellous, and that the way to turn those possibilities to practical use is sufficiently simple for anyone to understand.

We have selected the best ideas and the best methods known for making the ideal real, and through this work, will place them in your hands. We do not ask you to follow these methods; we simply ask you to use them. You will then find them all to be practical; you will find that every one will work and produce the results you desire. You will then not only make real the ideal in your present sphere of life, but you will also develop within yourself that Greater Life, the power of which has no limit, the joy of which has no end."

One of the key differences with Larson's book (compared to other works on the Law of Attraction) is his uncanny ability to pinpoint where and how most of us fail, and then to show us how to overcome this. Larson's view is that the principal obstacle which  must be removed is the tendency to lose faith whenever we fail to make real the ideal the very moment we expect to do so. He believes that we must never recognize the gulf that seems to exist between our present state and the state we desire to reach.

One of the key premises behind The Ideal Made Real is the fact that you must begin now to be like your ideals, and at the proper time that ideal will be made real. To become more than you are is to make yourself more and more like your ideal.

Man is what he is in the without (in the world), because he has sought the corresponding elements in the within, and he may change the without in any manner desired by seeking first in the within those qualities and attributes that he may desire. In other words, we receive everything we want from within and we gain the power to produce everything we want in the without.

To live the good life, the ideal life, the beautiful life, we must be at peace with all things, including ourselves, and every thought, word and deed must be harmonious. We should learn to understand that no wrong will be righted because we permit ourselves to "fly to pieces;" and that the act of becoming nervous over a trouble will never drive that trouble away. Things will do, as a rule, what we persistently expect them to do. Things will work out right if we constantly expect them to do so.

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The Ideal Made Real - the Essentials

In The Ideal Made Real, Larson presents seven essential qualities or attitudes that he believes you must have in order to make real the ideal in your life. These essentials are:

  • Learn to be still.

    It has been found that all laws of growth require order, harmony and stillness for proper action; therefore, to live peacefully, think peacefully, act peacefully and speak peacefully are important essentials. Before you go to sleep at night relax your entire system, and fall asleep with peace in your mind; bathe your mind and body, so to speak, in the crystal sea of the beautiful calm.

  • Rejoice and be glad.

    No matter what comes, be glad; and live in the conviction that all things are working together for good for you. No matter how dark the cloud, look for the silver lining; it is there, and when you always look at the bright side of things you develop brightness in yourself. Let your heart and your soul sing at all times. When you do not feel the joyous music within, produce it with your own imagination, and before long it will come of itself with greater and greater abundance.

  • Love everybody and be kind.

    Give your best to the world, and the best will come to you without fail; if it does not come today, never mind; just go on being kind and refuse to consider disappointments. This "shall also pass away" is true of everything that is not pleasant; but unpleasant things will not pass away so long as we hold them in thought. That which you let go from your mind will pass away from you entirely.

  • Have faith in abundance.

    Faith elevates the mind into the consciousness of our larger and superior possibilities, and thus increases perpetually the power, the capacity and the efficiency of the talents we now possess. Whatever you do - believe that you can succeed; do not for a moment permit yourself to doubt.

  • Pray without ceasing.

    The true prayer is the whole souled desire for the larger, the higher and the better while the mind is stayed upon the Most High; and to pray without ceasing is to constantly live in that lofty desire.

  • Think the truth.

    Each individual is now in possession of infinite wisdom, infinite power, infinite love, eternal life, perfect peace, everlasting joy, universal truth, universal freedom, universal good, divine wholeness, spotless virtue, boundless supply. To think the truth you must think that you are divine in your true being, and that you possess these attributes, because this is the truth.

  • Live in the spirit.

    To live in the spirit is to live in the upper story of mind and thought, or to live on the good side, the bright side and the true side of everything.

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Make Real the Ideal – Practical Solutions

Larson does not only discuss the Law of Attraction and why and how it works. He also outlines the key mistakes people make, and offers practical solutions to overcome these.

Some of the key suggestions Larson makes are so simple, and yet so many of us lose of sight of these over time:

  • Give your best to the world no matter how insignificant that best may be, and the world will invariably give its best to you.

    When we give our best we not only receive the best in return from the outer world, but we also receive the best from the inner world. Expect the best from everybody and everybody will do their best for you. Look for the best everywhere and you will find the best wherever you go. We shall positively find, sooner or later, what we constantly look for. It is, therefore, profitable to look for the best everywhere and at all times;

  • When things are not to your liking, like them as they are.

    Because we are held in bondage to that which we resist, like everything that comes your way. When we know that everything in our present world is a stepping stone to something still better it will be natural for us to like everything.

  • When you do not get what you want, take what you can get and call it good.

    Take everything that legitimately comes your way; do not refuse it because it seems too small; take it and call it good, because it is good for something; then make the best possible use of it with a view of getting greater good through that use. Expect everything to multiply in your hands; have that faith; accept little things, as well as large things in that conviction, and every good that you do accept will be instrumental in bringing greater good to you.

  • Live in the cheerful world, even if you have to create such a world in your own imagination.

    Resolve to be happy regardless of what comes; you cannot afford to be otherwise. Like does attract like. Much sunshine will gather more sunshine, and the happiest mind meets the most delightful experiences. It is a fact that the less attention we pay to unpleasant conditions the less unpleasantness we meet in life.

  • Live in the present only.

    The man who does things worthwhile in the present will not have to worry about the future; for such a man the future has rich rewards in abundance.

  • Never complain, criticize or condemn

    Meet all things in a constructive attitude of mind.

  • Make the best use of every occasion

    And nothing but opportunities will come your way.

  • Never antagonize anything

    Neither in thought, word nor deed, but live in that attitude that is non resisting to evil while positively and continuously inclined towards the good. You give your energy to that which you resist; you thereby give life to the very thing you seek to destroy.

  • Forgive everybody for everything at all times

    To do so, regardless of circumstances, is the first step towards complete emancipation. The act of forgiving is the simplest way to lighten one's own burdens. When you forgive everybody for everything you cleanse your mind completely of every wrong thought or adverse mental attitude that may exist in your consciousness. We must learn to let go from our own minds all those things that we do not wish to retain. And do not forget to forgive yourself.

  • Have an attitude of gratitude

    The attitude of gratitude brings the whole mind into more perfect and more harmonious relations with all the laws and powers of life. The soul that is always grateful lives nearer the true, the good, the beautiful and the perfect than anyone else in existence, The more grateful we are for the good things that come to us now the more good things we shall receive in the future. To be grateful for what we have received is to draw more closely to the source of that which we receive. To be grateful is to think of the best, therefore the grateful mind keeps the eye constantly upon the best; and, according to another metaphysical law, we grow into the likeness of that which we think of the most.

  • Count it all joy no matter what may come

    When things do not come your way, never mind. Continue to count everything joy, and everything will change in such a manner as to give you joy. Whatever you are called upon to do, do it and be happy. You are not dependent upon events for happiness. Happiness does not come from what we do or where we go. Happiness comes from what we are now or what we create out of what is present now.

  • Talk happiness.

    When things look dark, talk happiness. We cannot have too much light in the world, and the more we talk happiness the more light we produce wherever we may be.

  • Talk prosperity.

    When times are not good, man himself must make them better, and he can make them better by doing his best and having faith in that power that produces prosperity. Hold to the power that produces abundance by having unbounded faith in that power and you will overcome all adversity and reach the highest goal you have in view.

  • Talk health.

    It is the best medicine. When people stop talking sickness they will stop getting sick. Talk health and stay well.

  • The way you talk you go.

    We are responsible for every word we express. It will affect somebody either for good or otherwise. The way you talk you go, and the way you talk others will go.

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The Ideal Made Real is, quite simply, one of the most practical, readable, and down to earth books on the Law of Attraction. We highly recommend it.

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